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Around the block... How I like to do yoga these days

Updated: Jun 27, 2022

Yoga has travelled along with me through my adult life. I can't imagine what my life would have looked like without it. Hatha and pranayama eased me in to motherhood, ashtanga and vinyasa flow restored by posture after carrying small kids about all day, meditation and pranayama restored my sanity during the same period. Kundalini brought me back to myself as my kids grew older. Yin yoga taught me how to nurture my aging body.

In this video I have spontaneously thrown down one of my yoga rugs as I often do when I feel compelled to move my body. I laid down to do cobra, moving into child's pose and then into cat pose and back and forth, letting the breath guide the movement. Mother, the cat, never misses an opportunity for co-regulation and if the movement is sufficiently fluid, she'll stay attached.... My pets always let me know when I'm doing it well.

October 2021

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